Nereyda Lopez (b. 1965, Pebas; lives and works in Pebas, Peru) is a self-taught sculptor of Tikuna and Kukama ancestry. Her grandparents, nomadic in nature, traversed the Amazon River. According to their children, her great-grandfather was a sorcerer who lived in the jungle alone and morphed into a spirit to protect them. She is a descendant of a family of fearless women who engage in various activities, from farming and fishing to painting on canvas and crafting sculptures and masks. She works with her husband, the Uitoto painter Santiago Yahuarcani from northern Amazonia.
Buru/El Búho o cabeza de brujo "Aima", 2019
Canasta de tamshi, fibras vegetales y tintes naturales sobre llanchama
46 x 32 x 29 cm
Dueño del tabaco, 2019
Fibras vegetales
58 x 50 x 40 cm
Zurui Nama (dueño de la colpa), 2019
Fibras vegetales
65 x 60 x 60 cm
Sinchi / Sinchi el bailarín, 2019
Fibras vegetales y madera
145 x 50 x 50 cm
Musumuqui (mono nocturno), 2019
Fibra Punga, carbón vegetal y tintes naturales sobre llanchama
65 x 40 x 40 cm
Sangre de grado, 2019
Fibras vegetales, madera y corteza
110 x 50 x 30 cm
Rostro de la luna, 2023
Tintes naturales sobre llanchama
160 x 50 x 50 cm
Madre de la chambira, 2023
Fibras vegetales, madera y corteza
190 x 65 x 50 cm
Carachama diablo, 2023
Fibras vegetales, madera y corteza
190 x 65 x 50 cm
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